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Rocket Books for Teens! Read, Build, Blast Off!

Rocket books for teens!

We did a best books for boys rocket books list for younger boys.

While we were searching for those books we found some awesome books that included hands-on projects for older kids.

So we decided to do a list for teens as well.


Hands-on DIY rocket projects! Read the books, build the rockets and send them into the sky. This book list has a great selection of rocket books for teens. Model rocketry is packed with learning opportunities and your teen will love shooting off their own rocket!

This post may contain affiliate links which means we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. All opinions are our own and we share things we think would be of interest to boys.

Rocket Books for Teens

This book list is packed with info that is great for kids who want to learn more about rockets, build their own, and have the thrill of sending it into the sky.

We are totally making one of these (or more!)

Let’s start out with a book by MAKE Magazine.  I am fond of MAKE and added it to our magazine list because it is a high quality publication. They also have books that are focused on one topic. This rocket book has detailed instructions for making a variety of hobby rockets, as well as some easy ones for beginners. The books has pictures and illustrations and detailed text. MAKE: Rockets: Down to Earth Rocket Science.

Update:  MAKE came out with another book on high powered rockets. The rockets start out with F and G engines and end with H. I would say this book  is geared toward those who have some experience with rockets so keep that in mind when you are purchasing.  MAKE:  High Powered Rockets

Handbook of Model Rocketry is the official handbook of the National Association of Rocketry. That says a lot right there. This edition is completely updated to include the latest in hobby rocketry technology. I am linking to the paperback. Get either that or the Kindle version. The hardcover is crazy expensive!

Ok, they are not playing around here – this thing goes up in the air 5000 feet! PVC Rocket Engine gives you details on how to build a rocket out of PVC parts. This takes hobby rocket projects to a new level.

For something slightly more tame try Easy PVC Rockets by Jason Smiley. The projects here are simpler and use less materials that the others listed. Reviews are mixed. This is a self-published book. I think it is great for beginners so am including it.

Amateur Rocket Motor Construction is a complete guide to the construction of homemade solid fuel rocket motors. It has over 600 photos and illustrations and give you instructions to “make 5 homemade rocket fuel formulas and 54 proven and tested rocket motor designs.”

We featured an “evil genius” book in our maker books boys will really like list and we are featuring another one here. They are fun, amusing and packed with good info. 50 Model Rocket Projects for the Evil Genius starts out with the history of rockets and moves into making black powder, building rockets and launching them. There are plenty of projects to choose from. In fact, I’m sure they will want to do quite of few of these!

I hope you and your boys will give a hobby rocket a try. These projects are packed with learning and so much fun. Let me know which of these rocket books for teens is your favorite.

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9 Thrilling Book Series for Teen Boys That They Won’t Be Able To Put Down and