Life is a Musical Thing . . . Is This What Boys are Learning?
Life is a Musical Thing and You are Suppose to Dance While the Music is Being Played. Is This What Boys are Learning? This video, done as an overlay to …
Life is a Musical Thing and You are Suppose to Dance While the Music is Being Played. Is This What Boys are Learning? This video, done as an overlay to …
Did you know that sleep affects boys’ learning? It does. Big time. Sleep has such an impact on learning that if your boy isn’t doing well in school or you …
Children Are . . . by Meiji Stewart Meiji Stewart kindly gave me permission to create a graphic of his lovely poem “Children Are . . .” I first saw this …
Today is a sick day—well, sort of. Actually it is Un-Sick Day. The other day my son was talking about how sick days would be really fun except for the …
Are you familiar with learning styles? I first heard of them before my son was even a glimmer in our eyes. I find learning very interesting and am often reading …
Boys Exploring. . . Playing. . . Learning! What is it about boys learning that is so confusing to people? There are a ton of studies, and experts disagree …
The Five Finger Rule is Harmful to Boys’ Reading. There I said it. I have read all of the reasons that people think it is so great but I think …
Visually Impaired Boys Learn Echolocation to Navigate I found this very interesting article about visually impaired boys who are learning echolocation in order to be able to navigate their environment. …
My article LEGO + Play = Fun Learning for Boys has been posted on 3 Boys and a Dog I did a guest post for the blog 3 Boys and …
Creative play is like a spring that bubbles up from deep within a child.