Brain Power Boy is all about raising boys who love to learn. What does that mean exactly? We want to supply you with the best information on boys’ learning and provide great resources so your boys can really enjoy learning.
We really want to help you raise boys who:
- Know the joys of learning
- Love to find out about things that are interesting to them
- Enjoy reading and researching
- Like being creative
- Always want to know more
- Are curious
- Follow their passions
- Love to learn
Lifelong learning is our goal for boys. We do not want them to think that learning only happens in school, or worse yet, that you stop learning when you are not in a school building. We take a different approach and focus on learning as opposed to teaching.
How can we, as mothers, fathers, grandparents, teachers, guardians, aunts, and uncles, help?
- We can provide them with the information they need to know.
- We can give them gifts and experiences that help them to follow their passions.
- We can stand aside and let them learn in the way that works best for them.
There is so much that we can do to help boys with their learning lives and that is what we want to present here.
We want this to be the place you come to find fun learning things for your boys to do. We want to be your Ultimate Guide to Boys Learning.
Boys’ Learning Resources
Reading and Learning
Why You Need to Stop Limiting Boys Reading Choices
Benefits of Wordless Picture Books
The Five Finger Rule and Why it is Bad for Boys
What to do if Your Boy Hates Reading
Top 5 Reasons for Getting Boys Hooked on Book Series
Boys Learning and Summer Slide
10 Ways to Support Your Boys Learning This Summer (or any time)
Learning Styles
Boys’ Learning Styles (links to info on each learning style)
Learning Styles Writing Tips for Boys
Play and Boys’ Learning Styles
The Philosophy of Learning
Boys Know How to Learn, They Don’t Need Expert Help
Children Are . . . Poem by Meiji Stewart
Being Supportive and Helpful in Your Boy’s Learning Life
Give Your Boy the Gift of Time
Unlocking Potential: 5 Tips to Help Boys Meet Their Goals
5 Easy Tips to Help Your Boy Get Organized
What Can Interrupt Learning
How to Stop Comparing and Support Your Boy’s Learning
How Sleep Affects Boys’ Leaning
Learning with LEGO
Awesome Ideas to Encourage and Enhance LEGO Learning
LEGO: What They Learn When They Play
Additional Ideas
Boys Learning with Sensory Bins
Boys’ learning need not be a mystery or difficult. Use this Ultimate Guide to Boys’ Learning to get on the path to raising boys who love to learn!
We have a lot more on the site:
Best books for boys
Resources for Homeschool Unit Studies (which are Not just for homeschoolers)
Boys’ Learning Styles information
LEGO, LEGO Designs and LEGO Learning
Free Printable Games
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