Visually Impaired Boys Learn Echolocation to Navigate
I found this very interesting article about visually impaired boys who are learning echolocation in order to be able to navigate their environment. The person instructing the boys has been visually impaired since he was 14 and uses this echolocation technique to ride a mountain bike and a skateboard. He now travels the world teaching others.
To think that humans can use echolocation is so surprising to me. I’m sure many of your boys have read about echolocation use by bats and/or dolphins. This technique works in a similar way. People can use clicking and sound to determine where an object is located and either go to it or avoid it.
To read more about the class the boys took go here: Boys learn sensory technique to gain ability to navigate. You can go to this project summary by the University of Southampton for a project overview on the study of echolocation for the blind and visually impaired. The overview includes more detailed information on the study they did and links to various articles.
Boys’ learning with great meaning.