Minecraft Perler Bead Pattern: Skeleton
Time to make a Perler Bead Skeleton! We are enjoying perler beads and making all sorts of things. Right now my son is into make Minecraft patterns for the blog. Today …
Time to make a Perler Bead Skeleton! We are enjoying perler beads and making all sorts of things. Right now my son is into make Minecraft patterns for the blog. Today …
There are plenty of fun and free summer activities to do – enough to keep you busy all summer long! But some days you just want to stay home and hang …
Ah, Summer. Long days with nothing in particular to do and other days when you really want to get out of the house and have a new experience. We’ve got …
I remember how much I used to love summer. It was a time when I actually got to do what I wanted to do instead of what others said I …
Ready to make your own Minecraft Creeper? Promise he won’t blow up 🙂 Minecraft. I cannot begin to tell you how much I know about Minecraft! And it is probably …
Ready to make your own R2-D2?! My son is a big Star Wars fan and we enjoy a light saber battle or two around here. We have been making things …
Today we have a quick and easy activity to try. Drawing on Easter eggs. My son loves to draw and I am happy to provide materials that he would like …
Play is at the top on my list as a great way for boys (and all kids) to learn. We love to play in many different ways and one thing …
Do you have a toddler boy who worships his big brother and always wants to play with him? Let them play together with these Dinosaur activities for toddlers that they …
It is a bit of a tradition to take a look back at one’s year and see what worked (and what didn’t!) Things change. One of my favorite sayings, and …